Dawn Turnbull the Community Liaison Officer for McLaughlin & Harvey updates us on the Flood Protection Scheme and provides some recent photographs.
The programme of work remains on schedule in Douglas Terrace, as we continue with the work on the beach platform installing U Channels, the sea defence walls and the infill which will become the shared walkway. Our stonemasons, initially delayed by the cold weather, are now making good progress and a large section of the new set back wall has been completed to the west end of Douglas Terrace with gaps for the installation of the flood gates visible.
The next stage in this area will be the start of street works between Dundee Road and Home Street. This work will include the completion of the new coastal footway, installation of new street lighting and removal of the old lighting, excavation and replacement of north footway, carriageway excavation, installation of new drainage and reconstruction of carriageway and signing and lining. This work be undertaken by local contractors Kilmac and Tayside Contracts and will commence in mid-February. It will therefore be necessary to fully close sections of the road to motor vehicles while this work is ongoing. On street parking will also be prohibited in this area but pedestrian access to properties will be maintained. We have already given advance notice to affected residents and will work with them to ensure inconvenience and disruption are kept to a minimum. Final dates for road closures will be communicated once these are confirmed with our contractors.
We are now about to commence the next stage of the work on Beach Crescent. From the 18 January the beach was closed as we began preparatory works in this area including the installation of fencing, removal and save storage of memorial benches and creation of a new public walkway. This work initially will be similar to the works at Douglas Terrace, in that, the initial works will have minimal impact on pedestrians / vehicular traffic. This work will involve the creation of a working platform on the beach ahead of piling work scheduled to take place in mid-February for around 3 weeks. As with all work we are communicating with residents as we go and ensuring all those who may be impacted are being kept fully informed.
We hope residents in Broughty Ferry had a lovely if quiet Christmas. In December we were happy to offer our support to the Cash for Kids, Mission Christmas Appeal and bought a number of gifts from their Amazon Wishlist for disadvantaged children in Tayside. We hope this brought a little Christmas cheer.
Our Decorative Gates Competition closing date has been extended until 15 February, to allow all those interested the opportunity to take place. We’ve already received a number of very interesting entries. We would like to invite a representative from the Community Council to take part in judging entries and deciding the winning designs which will be made into decorative gates for the project. If you could let me know a name and contract details, I’ll get in touch with them separately to discuss details nearer the time.
This month we also look forward to welcoming an undergraduate civil engineering student from Abertay University onto the site. The student, who lives locally, will spend his 12-week work placement with us gaining practical on-site experience.
Finally, as we’ve entered this lockdown period we’ve seen increased numbers of residents out walking and we’re happy to talk to anyone who is interested about what we’re doing or discuss any local projects they’d like our support with. My contact details are on the community board, please feel free to get in touch.
Dawn Turnbull | Community Liaison | McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd
t: +442890 342 777 | d: +442896 949 123 | m: +447584 777 227 | w: www.mclh.co.uk